Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last Minute Donations

If you would like to make a last minute donation to me or Team Bayer CropScience as we prepare for the Mutiple Sclerosis two day 150 mile bike ride this Saturday, 9 Sep 2012, please click here. Personally I plan to only ride 30 miles on Saturday, but hopefully next year will be better able to do more. Thank you so much for your support.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Race for the Cure

One of the ladies at work created a team for the Susan G. Komen Race for the cure and I got the details because I said I wanted to walk with them. I was supposed to sign up on payday, of courseI totally forgot to sign up until she mentioned it today, but better late than never. Right? I'll be cutting it close because my sisters baby shower is that afternoon, but I'm told it's early enough that I shouldn't have any problems. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. Click here to either join our team or donate to the cause. As always I'll let you know how I do..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 Bike MS: Historic New Bern Ride

Hi everyone,

Last year I joined my company as a volunteer at the Bike MS. For those of you who don't know it's a two day, 150 mile bike ride to raise money and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis. This year, I'm attempting to be a participant in the ride, by completing the 30 mile ride. I've started training, so far I'm up to 6 miles, and I've got 128 days to work my way up to my target 30. Wish me well and if you can help me raise funds for the cause. Stay tuned for more updates.

If you're interested in participating click here. If you'd like to join the Bayer CropScience team click here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hell Week cont.

I have been such a naughty girl. You see what I posted about last Fri and how my eating last week got out of control, well to add insult to injury I'll be at meetings all this week, 1/2 of next week and then a 4 day vacation.

I am soooo screwed.

Not being able to control the food available for three weeks is going to drive me crazy. and the fact that I didn't eat large portions of anything last week and still went soooo far off point is really mind boggling. I can't believe how "bad" for me point wise eating out can be. Especially Italian food. I tried to avoid pastas, and eat 1/4 sized portions of everything. I still had dessert, but even w/o them I was still off point for the week.

Today is the last day of my week so, provided I can get on my regularly scheduled workout I will have used all the activity points (45) I earned for the week and (46) of my 49 weekly bonus points, and that's only an approximation since most of what I consumed last week couldn't be accurately tracked. And yes, I said consumed, because it sure doesn't seem like eating. If given a choice I would not have eaten all of what I ate last week, at least not all in the same week. I might have broken them down into having said meals over the course of three weeks. Or seriously upped my activity schedule for the week to counterbalance.

Well tomorrow is a new day and a new tracking week, all I can do is plan to do better. Wish me luck on my weigh-in tomorrow. I'm gonna need it.

Weight Watchers Week from Hell...

20 Apr 2012

I've been the on-site contact person for a 4 day event at a local hotel all this week. It's been fun, but the food has been positively sinful here at the hotel, not to mention the two group dinners at an Italian restaurant. I've been so far off my points each day it isn't even believable. Luckily the only thing I have planned for the weekend is a 5K because I am going to have to workout non stop to compensate. Seriously, I didn't just use my bonus points I abused them on a massive scale.  Oh and to top it all off I missed my weigh in and when I did finally weighed in I was already up .2. :-( 

Friday, April 13, 2012

My 5Ks so far

I'll add more as I sign up for them.

1. 3 Mar 2012 - Get Your Rear in Gear I was able to raise $135 - Results
2. 31 Mar 2012 - 5K for Cystic Fibrosis - Results this is the one I got lost trying to get to
3. 14 Apr 2012 - These Genes are Made for Walking - about 46 min (self tracked)
4. 21 Apr 2012 - Answer for Cancer Walk - Results - 47:49.8 min (self tracked)
5. 28 Apr 2012 - March for Babies - Results - 45:23.4 (self tracked)

My New Challenge

I was inspired by a consultant we work with and a gentleman I saw on Jeopardy, to issue myself a challenge. Jeopardy guy, was working to complete 40 half marathons before his 40th birthday, and our consultant wanted to try 40 new things before her 40th birthday.

Interesting idea, don't you think?

Before the accident I wanted to do four different 5Ks, as part of my physical therapy and weight loss goals I have been walking, a lot. Either at the park in at home doing Leslie Sansone walk tapes and DVDs. So I challenged myself to complete 35 5Ks before my 35th birthday. Which is in a little over 3.5 years away in case you're wondering. My knee is not quite ready to to handle me running a 5K so I plan to walk each one until I can.

My first 5K, on 3 Mar 2012, went pretty well, I was able to walk the whole thing in 46:31, finishing in 465th place out of some 700+, not bad if I do say so myself.

My second did not go as well. I wasn't familiar with the event location and used Google Maps to get directions and though I left early enough to be 30 minutes early, I ended up being about 30 minutes late. Why do you ask? Well first I missed a turn on the high way and had to turn around, then thinking I needed to turn left, given my new orientation, instead of right, I took another wrong turn. I figure this out turn around and start anew. Only to end up on what I think is the wrong street, at least based on Google's directions. Frustrated I asked for directions and finally got turned back around, I got lost again because the directions I was given were wrong. Just when I think I've finally made it, I realize the 5K I'm approaching is not the one I'm signed up form. *sighs & shakes head* Then armed with new directions, which I confirmed by way of yet another stop, I set out again. You can color me surprised when I really upset when I realize that I'm back on the same road that Google's directions told me was wrong, and yes if I had just driven another two miles up the road I would have seen the park. In any case, it was rainy and nasty out, and the track was all dirt and gravel trails so missing out on most of the run was actually a good thing.

Tomorrow is 5K number three, let's keep our fingers crossed and we'll see how it goes?